New Project Setup

The following documentation will teach you how to get started using AIT GUI to build a MOS website for your project. The guide assumes that you’ve created a repository in which your project’s GUI code will reside and that it is a Python based project. It also assumes that you’ve run through the AIT Core New Project Setup guide as well.

Note, we’re using the following directory layout in this example. You can use it as a reference to understand why we have paths specified the way we do:

├── html
│   └── index.html

Add AIT GUI to Project Dependencies

You’ll need to add AIT GUI to either your requirements.txt file or your file.

If you use a requirements file for specifying dependencies:


If you use for specifying dependencies:

install_requires = [

Creating a Simple Index File

Now that we are depending on AIT GUI let’s get a simple index page up and running. The following simple page will give us something to look at once we get the GUI started:

<!doctype html>
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="ait/gui/static/build/ait.bundle.css">
  <script src="ait/gui/static/build/ait.bundle.js"></script>

<div class="navbar navbar-inverse navbar-fixed-top">
  <div class="container">
    <div class="navbar-header">
      <a class="navbar-brand" href="#">My Example GUI</a><br>

<div class="container">
  <ait-tabset class="nav-tabs">
    <ait-tab title="Welcome">
      <h1>Welcome to AIT GUI</h1>
    <ait-tab title="Clock">
      <h1>The current time</h1>
      <ait-clock class="navbar-text" doy="true"></ait-clock>

Setup GUI Config Values

You’ll want to add a GUI section to your config.yaml file to set various things. For this example we’ll set two attributes, the relative path to the index file above and some default telemetry stream information. The attribute tells the GUI where to look for HTML files for your web application. The telemetry object gives the GUI a list of telemetry streams on which it should listen for data. We’ll leave this set to the default telemetry port.

In your full application you’ll want to set a number of other configuration values. You can read about the other configuration parameters in the documentation.

        directory: ./html
       - stream:
             name: MyExampleTelemetryStream
             port: 3076

Run the GUI

You’re all set to open your GUI for the first time. Startup the GUI process by running the following at a terminal:

This should automatically open up a browser and point it to localhost:8080. If it doesn’t, open up your browser of choice and point it at the URL. You should see something that looks like the following.


Congratulations! You’ve successfully gotten your project setup and ready for development with AIT GUI.